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Research identifies tracts related to symptom improvement in Parkinson's Disease

May 31, 2024

Optimal DBS stimulation parameters can be derived and personalized from patients' tract profiles

A recent study, published in Nature Communications by the Network Stimulation Laboratory, identified tracts in the brains of 237 patients that were related to improvements in the tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, and axial symptoms associated with Parkinson's Disease.


Deep Brain Stimulation can improve tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, and axial symptoms in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Potentially, improving each symptom may require stimulation of different white matter tracts. Here, we study a large cohort of patients (N = 237 from five centers) to identify tracts associated with improvements in each of the four symptom domains. Tremor improvements were associated with stimulation of tracts connected to primary motor cortex and cerebellum. In contrast, axial symptoms are associated with stimulation of tracts connected to the supplementary motor cortex and brainstem. Bradykinesia and rigidity improvements are associated with the stimulation of tracts connected to the supplementary motor and premotor cortices, respectively. We introduce an algorithm that uses these symptom-response tracts to suggest optimal stimulation parameters for DBS based on individual patient’s symptom profiles. Application of the algorithm illustrates that our symptom-tract library may bear potential in personalizing stimulation treatment based on the symptoms that are most burdensome in an individual patient.

Follow this link, to read the research study.

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